[EXES] Chapter 5 – What Happened to Su Mu?

Su Wanmei woke up and heard screams outside the window. Her face turned ugly as she looked at Su Mu with trembling lips, who looked out the window expressionlessly.

Su Mu said nothing in return. He will protect Su Wanmei thoroughly, but he will not let her be helpless by his side. He hopes that she will also have the ability to defend herself.
Su Wanmei looked at Su Mu’s indifferent profile and couldn’t tell whether the other party was frightened, so she proceeded towards the window with heavy steps.

As she opened her mouth to say something to Su Mu, her eyes caught a glimpse of the scene outside the window. The words she had not had time to say suddenly halted in her throat, choking her so much that she almost couldn’t catch her breath, and boundless fear instantly filled her five organs.

The sky outside the window is grey, giving people a decadent and gloomy feeling without hope.

There are many green belts in the community, and the environment is wonderful – but at this time, it looks particularly bloody and terrifying. Black and red blood was everywhere, covering almost the entire ground. Several human bodies were lying in the pool of blood, and there were virtually only bones left on their remains. In between those flesh and blood residues, humanoid monsters with bloody flesh and slow movements were wandering around.

Su Wanmei’s eyes widened in horror. She wanted to look back but couldn’t.

Then she faced an upside-down face. The face was bloody and fleshy, with hollow eye sockets and a mouth full of sharp fangs occupying most of the head. It belonged to a zombie falling from upstairs, and although it was a brief encounter, Su Wanmei could still see its face clearly.

The Su family lives in an old-fashioned single-family house with only two floors. After Luo Beiyao moved out, only the mother and son lived in the house. At this time, naturally, no one cared whether the unlucky guy was a thief or fell from the sky. Su Wan Mei, at this moment, could only think of that hideous and rotten face.

During such a highly frightening situation, Su Wanmei felt the blood flowing back all over her body, and her knuckles trembled stiffly in fear.

Not sure if a certain point in her brain was suddenly touched, Su Wanmei finally couldn’t bear it and bent over and vomited. However, she could only keep retching since she had just woken up and hadn’t eaten anything.

When Su Wanmei had vomited enough, Su Mu supported her and closed the window, blocking the sounds from outside. The sharp and tragic screams just now seemed more terrifying compared to the silence and death now.

Su Mu said, “Mom, it’s the end of the world.”
Su Wanmei looked at the other party’s calm appearance and felt that her son was becoming more and more different after losing his memory. However, his behaviour gave people a strong sense of security, and the panicked initially and fearful mood calmed down slowly.

At this time, Su Wanmei felt blessed that Su Mu believed the apocalyptic posts on the Internet, so he stocked up on supplies. Otherwise, they would probably starve to death in their own home.

[The real juice is @ https://www.lemonsociety.gay ♡]

Su Wanmei was particularly scared. Su Mu had to accompany her when she went to the kitchen to cook, so he helped and learned how to cook simultaneously. After all, now that he had spatial powers, he had to make good use of them. Hot meals are so much more delicious than dry food.

Su Wanmei only cooked one dish because the apocalypse was full of zombies outside, and she didn’t dare waste any more food. At the same time, she was distraught that sooner or later, the supplies at home would be exhausted.

“Mom.” Su Mu served Su Wanmei some rice and said softly, “Do you have difficulty breathing?”

Su Wanmei was stunned for a moment, took a breath and said nervously, “No, Mu Mu, what’s wrong?”

Since she doesn’t feel difficulty breathing, it proves that Su Wanmei has also awakened her superpower. Su Mu spread his palm and formed an ice pick, “Mom, I have awakened my ice and space superpower.”

Su Wanmei had never seen such a magical thing in her long life. She tentatively reached out with wide eyes and touched the ice pick floating on Su Mu’s palm. The cold touch made her suddenly withdraw her fingers. She said in disbelief, “What, what is going on? How come you have…”

Su Mu withdrew the ice and patiently explained to her, “I saw on the post that a meteorite carrying a virus falling on the Blue Star will cause all living things to be infected. Those who can survive are either superpowers or ordinary people. Those who do not survive will become man-eating monsters, and the chance of becoming a superpower is minimal. There are many types of superpowers. My ice superpower can be used to attack, and the space can be used to store supplies…”

He had to do a lot of explaining, but Su Wanmei finally understood it. Su Mu added, “There are harmful substances in the air. Ordinary people will find it difficult to breathe if they inhale them. Since you don’t feel uncomfortable, you should have special powers. Come, let me teach you how to use your powers.”

Su Wanmei followed Su Mu’s instructions and tried several times to sense the superpowers in her body. She was pleasantly surprised to find bursts of energy fluctuations in her ‘Dantian’. She slowly moved the energy to her palms like water, and a green vine emerged from her white palms.

Su Wanmei was startled and stretched out her fingers to pluck the vine. It was true that it grew from her flesh and blood, but she couldn’t feel any pain at all. It was as if it was perfectly integrated with her flesh and blood.

Su Mu’s lips curled slightly, “Yes, it’s a wood-type ability.”

Wood-type superpowers are very popular in the apocalypse because the land is seriously polluted. One hundred years after the outbreak, researchers developed a drug to suppress the virus so the land could be replanted with crops. At the same time, wood-type superpowers can also stimulate the growth of plants, and many people recruited them when food was scarce.

The surprise of awakening her superpower diluted Su Wanmei’s fear of the apocalypse. However, she was still uneasy until her cell phone suddenly rang when she returned to the room.

Su Mu paused as he turned the doorknob and called out to Su Wanmei. He saw the other party’s face light up when she saw the caller. Su Wanmei answered the phone, turned on the speaker, and winked at Su Mu.

“Aunt Su, are you okay?” Luo Beiyao’s hoarse and magnetic voice came from over there, slightly tired but extremely sexy.

Su Wanmei was too excited and didn’t pay attention to the other party’s address. She glanced at Su Mu and said, “I’m fine, Mu…”

Realizing that Su Mu and Luo Beiyao had broken up, Su Wanmei paused, not knowing what to say.

Hearing Su Wanmei’s sudden jamming, Luo Beiyao’s voice suddenly rose a few degrees, and it was not difficult to spot the concern in it, “What’s wrong with Su Mu?”

“Ah? Mu Mu… Mu Mu is okay; we are all fine.” Su Wanmei reacted slowly and hurriedly explained while she looked at the expressionless Su Mu in surprise.

‘Didn’t you say you guys broke up without feelings?’ But she heard that Ah-Yao clearly cared about her son.

After confirming that Su Wanmei and Su Mu were okay, Luo Beiyao repeatedly told them not to go out and hurriedly hung up the phone.
Su Wanmei swallowed her saliva and asked Su Mu, “Mu Mu, what’s going on between you and Ah-Yao?”

Su Mu turned his face away and replied with a complicated expression, “Mom, don’t worry about it. I will take care of my own affairs.”
Luo Beiyao clearly hated him so much before. However, he didn’t expect that the man still hadn’t let go of the original Su Mu.

Su Wanmei was anxious, “Did you have a quarrel? It’s the world’s end now; why are you still so willful? If Ah-Yao… Bah, bah, bah, I’m such a bad mouth.”

She grabbed Su Mu’s arm and refused to allow him to enter the room, “You must give Mom an explanation.”

“Mom.” Su Mu let her pull him, “I don’t have any feelings for him anymore.”
Su Wanmei’s expression froze, and she suddenly remembered something, “Didn’t you lose your memory? It’ll be fine when you remember. You like Ah-Yao so much.”

Su Mu lowered his eyes and didn’t know what to say. After all, he had been single all his life and only focused on killing zombies day by day to increase his strength. He was not good at dealing with such nonsense as the love between youths.

It’s great to be single. You don’t need to have someone you like. It’s better to have as few weaknesses as possible. It was enough for Su Mu to have Su Wanmei.

His biological parents died at the hands of zombies. After being rescued, he became his saviour’s adopted son and entered the army. It was not until he was eighteen years old that his adoptive parents died on a mission, and he was alone again.

Su Mu was vague for a long time and didn’t say anything. Su Wanmei wanted to call Luo Beiyao but was surprised that her cell phone no longer had a signal.

She raised her eyes and looked at Su Mu, a little at a loss, “Mu Mu, it’s not easy to meet someone you like. You just have amnesia currently. If you lose Ah-Yao now, you will definitely regret it when you recover your memories.”

Su Mu didn’t say anything, just nodded.
It seems that he still has to continue dealing with Luo Beiyao. It’s so annoying. Not to mention being fucked by Luo Beiyao, even if he was asked to fuck him, he couldn’t do it. He doesn’t understand how a gay man can do anything to someone with a body structure similar to his own.

Chapter 4 – Here Comes the End of the World

Meep. This chapter is what made me unsure of the whole story for a while. Not liking someone is one thing, but questioning the whole sexuality like that. Also, Su Mu acts and sounds like a very straight person with zero interest in relationships for a long time… I did not read the end of the story yet – I did not even see the love being reciprocated yet. I really doubt their relationship for a long time and the reason I kept on reading was because I got really curious as to how and why Luo Beiyao got brownie points with such a hard shelled Su Mu… I expect a lot of dog blood and drama *sob*

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