[EXES] Chapter 6 – Ah-Yao Is Indeed Very Good

Su Mu returned to the room, opened the curtains and looked coldly at the miserable situation outside, but his mind drifted to other places.

Since Luo Beiyao called, he must have been on his way to pick them up, and the other person still had unresolved feelings for the original owner. Su Mu felt a slight pain in his head. How can a grown man grind his hands after breaking up… Su Mu’s expression changed slightly.

Although he had never met Luo Beiyao at Muyao Base in his previous life, he had heard that he had a partner. Wu Keke, the twelfth strongest person in the apocalypse, is said to be a beauty with a thin waist and long legs. The two had seemed to be together since the beginning of the apocalypse, so he just needed to match them up, and everything would be fine.

Retracting his thoughts, Su Mu took out a long black knife stored in a wooden box from under the bed. He bought it from a knife shop at a considerable price. Su Wanmei saw it and nagged about it for a long time.

With so many years of practical experience in the apocalypse still there, Su Mu jumped out of the second-floor window with a knife.

Some zombies smelled the smell of fresh flesh and blood and slowly moved around, opening their mouths filled with the stench of decay and roaring.

Su Mu’s expression remained unchanged, and with a few swipes, he chopped off all the zombie’s heads. It was as effortless as chopping tofu, and the skulls rolled on the ground.

After digging out the crystal core from the zombie’s brain, Su Mu continued to walk to the supermarket on the street.

One store was not far away, but he skipped it, leaving these to the nearby survivors. There are many zombies on the streets because most shops in the city are open 24 hours a day. If there is no team, basically, no one would dare to go to the streets to collect supplies.

Su Mu dared to go alone where there were many zombies because he had lived in the apocalypse since he was a child and had accumulated countless practical experiences. He had also killed level-nine zombies on a mission in Vietnam.

He encountered many zombies along the way and obtained many crystal nuclei.

There were many small cars parked on the side of the street, some with their doors wide open, and human skeletons still stained with meat residue and blood lying on the side, or half outside and half inside the car.

Scattered crows landed on the ground and pecked at the remaining flesh and blood. Some zombies smelled the smell of flesh and came forward. The frightened crows immediately fluttered their wings and flew onto the wires, emitting an unpleasant and ominous cry from time to time.

The smell of human flesh naturally attracts zombies more than animals. As soon as Su Mu approached, they stopped swirling under the wires, and all walked towards him with heavy and slow steps. The consequence, without exception, is that the head is cut off, and the crystal core is dug out.

In fact, the first-level zombies are too slow to catch up with the speed of humans. The main reason for defeat is that humans living in peacetime saw this disgusting and terrifying man-eating monster for the first time. Their legs were weak from fear, so they became zombies’ lunches early into the game.

The supermarket door was wide open, and more than a dozen zombies were wandering inside. There were pools of blood all over the floor. Some shelves fell to the ground, and the products were scattered all over the floor. They were probably pushed over in the chaos when the apocalypse broke out.

The zombies devoured all the meat on the chopping board in the fresh meat area. The ground was covered with diluted blood, and even the fish in the pond were grabbed and gnawed clean by the zombies.

Therefore, the fresh meat area is also the place with the most zombies. Almost all zombies on the whole floor are gathered here. Su Mu saw a few zombies wearing employee uniforms and holding butcher knives.

It was not difficult for him to deal with dozens of the lowest-level zombies at once. With the help of his ice ability to freeze their feet, the zombies were slaughtered within a few minutes.

After digging out the crystal core, Su Mu found the control room and destroyed the supermarket surveillance. Then he ran to the warehouse, broke open the door, and moved all the food and water inside into the space.

The space for a level one superpower user is only ten square meters. He can’t hold anything else except for the most important, food and water.

He quickly left the supermarket and returned to the Su family home. Su Mu made a ladder out of ice blocks and climbed to the second floor. After a shake with his hand, the long ladder exploded silently into thin air.

In addition to the auxiliary power of invisibility, Su Mu also had water powers previously. He has a relatively high degree of control over his powers and can shape water into different forms. Now that he has ice powers, it will not hinder his performance.

It’s just that it’s too difficult to build a long ladder with the ability of a first-level superpower user. The superpowers in Su Mu’s body were exhausted, and he couldn’t even open the space. However, he had put some crystal nuclei in his pockets in advance. Su Mu sat cross-legged on the bed to absorb the energy in the crystal core, and at the same time, he could use the extra energy to observe the movement in the room.

This is something that many first-time awakened superpowers cannot do; merely Su Mu is very skilled in absorbing crystal nuclei, and what he absorbed was a first-level crystal nucleus, which made it possible. It was already past two o’clock when Su Wanmei asked him to have lunch. By this time, he had absorbed three crystal nuclei.

Su Mu remembered that he could only absorb up to eight a day when he first awakened his superpower.

While eating, Su Mu brought some food to Su Wanmei, “Mom, don’t tell others about my space powers. It’s okay for the two of us to know.”

Su Wanmei paused, then raised her eyes to look at Su Mu, “Ah-Yao, too?”

Su Mu nodded.

Su Wanmei sighed silently, “I don’t know how Ah-Yao is doing. There are man-eating monsters everywhere now. I want to call him, but my phone has no signal.”

Su Mu raised his eyes, “He will be fine.” How could something happen to the most powerful man in the last days?

Su Wanmei glanced at the indifferent young man across from her, opened her mouth to refute, but finally said nothing. 

Su Mu originally wanted to give Su Wanmei some crystal nuclei, but after thinking about it, he decided not to.

It is recorded in the book that Luo Beiyao was the first person to discover that crystal nuclei can be used for cultivation. Although this may not be correct, and someone may have discovered it before him, it is true that Luo Beiyao began to use crystal nuclei to practice in the early days of the world’s end. 

So be it. Leave this matter to Luo Beiyao. He can’t expose too many abnormalities; otherwise, it will be troublesome.

Su Mu returned to the room and continued practising.

The two abilities of a dual-type superpower use the same energy slot. Once the energy is exhausted, both abilities cannot be used.

However, there is also an advantage to sharing an energy slot; that is, two abilities can be upgraded simultaneously.

More than a week passed like this. Su Mu was absorbing the energy in the crystal core when he suddenly heard a knock on the door, accompanied by Su Wanmei’s surprised voice, “Mu Mu, Ah-Yao is here!”

Su Mu, “… I’m going to take a shower first.”

Su Wanmei was a little excited, “Hurry up, they are waiting in the living room, I’m going to cook.”

There was a sound of footsteps gradually disappearing.

[The real juice is @ https://www.lemonsociety.gay ♡]

It took Su Mu more than ten minutes to absorb the remaining energy in the crystal core. When he walked to the stairs, he saw many people sitting on the sofa in the living room, both men and women. The others were all students except for Luo Beiyao.

Hearing the sound of someone coming downstairs, everyone looked up.

One of the eyes was extremely hot and fixed on him, and Su Mu couldn’t ignore it even if he wanted to.

“Hello.” The girl who greeted Su Mu looked young and exuded an aura of youth incompatible with the apocalypse. “My name is Lu Shuangshuang, and I am a water power user.”

Su Mu nodded, “Su Mu, an ice power user.”

Lu Shuangshuang was very fond of Su Mu, and she was already lively, so she enthusiastically introduced everyone on the sofa to him. Except for two ordinary people in the group, the others are all superpowers.

Fang Yihan, a person with metal powers, and Fang Yiyang, a person with earth powers, are brothers, and there is also Deng Qinghuai, a person with beast-like powers. As expected, Wu Keke was a beauty with big breasts and thighs, as rumoured. She had a pure and lovely face and looked mainly harmless. Like Su Wanmei, she was a wood-type psychic.

Lu Shuangshuang’s mother is Shen Man, an ordinary person. The other girl is Xin Qimeng. She is as delicate and beautiful as a doll. She is a student at the same university as the Fang brothers. It’s just that the Fang brothers are her seniors.

When talking about Luo Beiyao, Lu Shuangshuang smiled and said, “This is our boss, a lightning power user. I heard that you two are very good friends. The boss was going crazy looking for you and Aunt Su all day and night. After travelling so many miles, he finally found you.”

In fact, she had only met Luo Beiyao and Wu Keke two days ago. At that time, she and the Fang brothers went out to collect supplies and were besieged by zombies. She thought she was going to die there, but she was saved by Luo Beiyao, who was passing by. Then, she took Shen Man and Xin Qimeng to join the Luo Beiyao and Wu Keke team.

Su Mu nodded and glanced at Luo Beiyao at the side. When he saw Lou Beiyao’s gaze moving over, he quickly covered up the turbulent emotions in his eyes, his expression dark and unclear.

Su Mu’s expression remained unchanged, “Thank you for your hard work.”

Lu Shuangshuang laughed loudly, “I really envy your relationship. You can still do this for your friends while the world ends.”

Luo Beiyao fixated his eyes, trying to see through the other person’s calm expression to see the emotions in his eyes, but he only saw pure black. That was the colour of Su Mu’s eyes, a very pure black, without a trace of impurities, as bright and crystal clear as a black gemstone.

I’m bulldozing through the translation so … there might be some typos or paragraphs not well adjusted… Maybe I’m coming back to them when I re-read the whole thing! I want to make up for the missed chapters haha
Ah-Yao is a loving man. But he is such a vinegar jar… he is the classic possessive black male lead hahaha you might hate some of his shenanigans later on.

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